"Yeah, Benjamin's plush bootie is worth kissing."
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Happy birthday, dear Cocoa
My Cocoa, with whom I sadly no longer live, is 10 years old. He came into my life back in 2003 when he met and fell in love with Ruby, the rabbit who started it all for me and who was brought home by my ex-husband. He was dumped at a rabbit rescue by the breeder who was trying to create perfect show rabbits. Cocoa's weak eye disappointed, as did his coat, apparently (the breeder was not thrilled with the markings in his fur). Happily Ruby recognized him for the sweetheart that he is and selected him from a variety of eligible bachelor rex rabbits. Though the bonding took weeks, once together, Ruby and Cocoa were inseparable. I miss them so much. Though I get to bunnysit them occasionally, it is not the same. I miss my everyday life with Ruby and Cocoa and the pain of losing them is one of the worst, if not THE worst, aspect of my divorce.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Bun. Cinnamon Bun.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Benjamin Bunny
It is so strange to be in mourning for a beloved rabbit even as I welcome another one into my life. This weekend Cinnaman and I were able to meet some rabbits, thanks to Pam Hurley, Susan Wong, and Lori Sundberg of Friends of Rabbits in Columbia, Maryland. I confess I felt uneasy, wondering all the while, it is only a week since Boo died so unexpectedly, surely it is too soon? Then I recalled how each night Cinnamon would flop against her stuffed rabbit doll Mr. Bunny. The killer was when she tried to flop against this small stuffed prairie dog in her pen. My heart shattered; her loneliness was more unbearable than my own. I had to at least start the search to see what would happen.
Amazingly enough, the search ended yesterday when Cinnamon selected with a grooming kiss a handsome grey Rex rabbit named Benjamin, a rabbit who once was destined to be put down at a local animal shelter. Happily Friends of Rabbits came along and saved his life and now, after months in foster care, he is here, in his forever home, with my darling Cinnamon. It is comforting to know that if we had to lose Boo, it enabled us to save another rabbit from a sad fate. Still, my heart is in such a muddle. As I rode the bus home tonight, the unexpected snowfall had already coated the trees; the sheer whiteness of the snow reminded me of my Boo, and tears welled in my eyes in spite of all efforts to keep them back. Have I not respected his memory enough, I wonder? Did we move too soon? A friend advised that the needs of Cinnamon must come before my own (a view my vet happens to disagree with.) While I did act on her behalf because I wanted to end her loneliness, even in this I had a selfish motive.
I could be happy if I knew Cinnamon was not alone. All indications thus far indicate she found Mr. Right--again.
Benjamin is a sweetheart too, very laid back and mellow, and extremely affectionate. He is, much to my delight and gratitude, a "kissy" bunny as was Woodstock and Boo.
I pray he and Cinnamon will be with me a long time and I hope that my tears that still fall for Boo do not alienate him in some way. I know life goes on and I know that Boo will never leave my heart and yet it still hurts so much that his stay with us was so fleeting. Benjamin will never be able to replace that love or even soothe that hurt; yet I know he will exert a positive influence on me, as all the rabbits who have graced my life have done so. Despite my grief and my pain, I know I am blessed. Love transcends this life and the next. We will all be united one day, of that I am sure and in that I must find my consolation and strength to keep bringing these wonderful creatures into my life.
Friends of Rabbits,
Lori Sundberg,
Pam Hurley,
Susan Wong
Saturday, January 7, 2012
A brief comment
There is nothing more exquisitely sweet than to go to a party where ALL the food is vegan and delicious, and the company is so overwhelmingly open-minded, if not all vegan or vegetarian. This was a good way to start 2012. Now on to find my poor little Cinnamon a new mate! She will be 8 this year and she had her share of heartache last year. My girl deserves a love to last a lifetime. Wish us luck!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Rest in peace, my darling bunny Boo
You are so dearly missed by your loved bun Cinnamon and your mom. Though you were with us less than two months, you left us with a lifetime of love and very sweet memories. Godspeed, my darling Boo. I will never forget your blue eyes and how you kissed my hand just before your sub-q treatments. So much love wrapped in a small bundle of white fur. I will forever miss you.
The Hoppy Vegan
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